Making "Happy Campers" - One inspection at a time!™
Do you really have any idea if your RV’s engine, transmission and cooling system are in proper working condition?
What about the on-board generator? Your tow vehicle?
With lab analysis of your engine and generator oil, coolant and transmission fluid, you can easily and cost effectively find out if everything is functioning smoothly, or if you are looking at potentially expensive problems. This can be done at much less of an expense compared to taking the RV, or any other vehicle, to a mechanic and having the components taken apart for an internal inspection.
Don't take any risks on your RV or Tow Vehicle ..... think of this as "health care" for your vehicles. Use the "proven science" of Fluid Analysis to help you improve maintenance and ensure that your equipment, your oils and your coolants are performing as they should. Maintain your RV and Tow Vehicle equipment so you keep it as reliable and "worry free" as possible. This procedure is cost effective and can pay for itself many times over through safely extended engine, transmission and generator change intervals.
Some of the things that fluid analysis can uncover is evidence of component overheating, internal fatigue and metal wear, contamination of fluids indicating among other things worn gaskets, valves, etc. These are valuable indications of component health to know PRIOR to making a purchase or to know on your existing vehicle!
Do you know where the fluids in YOUR RV, tow vehicle or the RV YOU are considering would rate?
Wouldn't you like to have this information BEFORE you decide on the purchase?
Professional RV Inspections can perform the fluid sampling for you, send it via Priority Mail* or Next Day** shipping to a lab specializing in this type of analysis, and the results will be sent to you, usually within 5 - 7 business days, often sooner, of the completion of the sampling. You will get an idea, with a high degree of certainty, if the mechanical components sampled are in good order, or if there are signs of wear, fatigue, contamination or overheating.
These fluid samples can be taken from your personal vehicle, minivan, SUV, truck, motorcycle or motorized RV, whether it is gas or diesel, as well as your generator; basically ANYTHING motorized that requires any of the internal fluids described above.
The more information we have on the fluids being taken, the more accurate the lab report will be. If you have any information (brand name and viscosity of the fluid, date and mileage of last fluid service, etc) of the fluids being sampled, please let us know. A good source for this information would be any service receipts for fluid changes. We will include this information with the sample being sent to the lab.
Also, freshly changed fluids may not adequately reveal potential issues. Fluids should have at least 500 miles of use prior to sampling.
**Next Day shipping is an additional fee.
*Priority Mail typically arrives in 2 business days.
*Priority Mail typically arrives in 2 business days.
Click the link below to view an actual engine coolant report from one of our inspections.
Click the link below to view an actual engine oil report from one of our inspections.
Click the link below for Fluid Sampling & Analysis FAQ's
Fluid FAQ's.pdf |